Driver training

Disclaimer and statement of limitation

The information on our website is intended to provide general information only on the various services and programs administered by ICBC's Driver Training Industry Support and driving school inspectors. Nothing on this website is intended to provide legal advice or to be relied on as binding in any dispute, claim, action, demand or proceeding. The law relating to driver licensing, including licensing of driver training instructors and driver training schools, is set out in the Motor Vehicle Act (the "Act") and its Regulations. In the event of any omission of information from this web site, or any contradiction or difference between anything on this website and the Act, the Regulations or any other applicable legislation, you must treat the Act or Regulations or other applicable legislation as the full and correct statement of your rights and obligations at law.

Copies of the Act and Regulation are available from Crown Publications Inc., 521 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1E7. Telephone: 250-386-4636. The Queen's Printer published searchable Folio® CD-ROM version of the Revised Statutes of British Columbia, Instalment No. 3 (consolidated to November 2, 1999) and the consolidated Regulations, Instalment No. 51 (consolidated to March 5, 2000) may also be purchased from Crown Publications Inc.​​