Last updated 2021-10-28

Feather, prime and block allowance

Policy on how feathering, priming, and block sanding are performed on exterior-repaired panels.


The feather, prime, and block operation takes a completed body repair from 150 grit smoothness up to the condition of a new panel.

Feather, prime, and block includes
  • feathering a paint edge
  • protecting the surrounding area from overspray
  • applying primer, and
  • block sanding a repair area.


The allowance applies to repaired major exterior panels that require the application of a high-build primer. Bumper covers, steel covers, rockers and end panels are excluded from the policy.
Note: Portions of exterior panels covered by large claddings or bumper covers and extensions that cannot truly be blocked do not qualify for the feather, prime & block procedure.

The allowance applies to the panel repair hours only. Pull to align unibody/structure is not to be included in the feather, prime and block allowance. The allowance does not apply to any panel replacement.


This allowance is to be billed out at body labour & material rate and entered on the estimate using the My Templates repair line, Feather, Prime & Block.