Last updated 2021-10-28

Add feather, prime and block time to an estimate

Apply feathering, priming, and block sanding time to an estimate.

When this applies

When qualified exterior panel repairs require feather, prime, and block, the estimator calculates the allowance and applies it to the estimate through Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE).


  1. Navigate to your estimate and click the Parts icon in the side bar.
  2. Select: My Templates Standard ICBC.
  3. Navigate to Part description screen.
  4. Click: Feather, Prime, and Block.
  5. Calculate the allowance, adding it to the Templates line entry under the Labour unit column.
  6. Enter the labour time as sheet metal labour time.
  7. Attach an explanation line to the Templates line, outlining which panels qualify for the feather, prime, and block operation, including the allowance calculation.
Example of an explanation line note: Lt Frt Door 2.5, Lt Rr Door 4.0, Lt ¼ 3.0 = 9.5 x 0.15 = 1.4
Note: Standard rounding applies.