About ICBC

Making an information request or privacy complaint

Do you need access to personal information or other kinds of records at ICBC? Or do you have an ICBC-related privacy complaint?

Our Privacy and Freedom of Information department is here to help. We provide access to records and respond to privacy complaints in accordance with B.C.'s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Freedom of Information Requests

What is a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request?

BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) gives the public a right to access records in the custody or control of public bodies like ICBC, in order to promote transparency and accountability of government and public bodies. If you want to access ICBC records under this legislation, you may make a freedom of information (FOI) request.

What records can I access?

You can access your own personal information and general corporate records, subject to certain exceptions, which are set out in FIPPA. If you want to access someone else’s personal information, you will need to provide that person’s authorization in writing.

Where else can I go to get ICBC records?

Many records held by ICBC are accessible on icbc.com without an FOI request. We encourage you to check the resources listed on this page for the records you are looking for before you make a FOI request. For claim records, please contact your adjuster.

How do I make a FOI Request?  

Complete and submit the FOI request form​. Provide as much detail as you can. 

Is there a fee?

FIPPA provides you with access to your own personal information free of charge. Access to all other information may be subject to a fee. Fees are set out in Schedule 1 of the FIPPA Regulation. You can keep your fees lower by narrowing the time frame or scope of your request.

What can I expect once I submit my FOI request?

  • We will respond to your request within 30 business days of receiving it.

  • If your request is complex or records are not easily accessible, we may take a time extension of up to 30 business days. 

  • If fees are applicable, we will send you a fee estimate.

  • You must pay a 50% deposit of the fee estimate before we can continue with your request.

  • Once you have paid the deposit, we gather the requested records, review them for exceptions to disclosure, and prepare a release package for you.

  • If we redact or withhold some or all of the requested records, we will let you know the reasons why by indicating which sections of FIPPA are being relied upon to withhold information.

  • We will require full payment of any applicable fees before releasing the records to you.

How will I receive my records?

We will send your records electronically using Canada Post’s secure ePost service (instructions will be sent on how to retrieve your package of records by email). If you are unable to receive records by email, a paper copy can be sent by Canada Post Express Post upon request (signature will be required).

Privacy complaints

If you have a privacy complaint or concern, you may send it in writing to ICBC’s Privacy and FOI department by mail or online.


​ICBC - ​Privacy & Freedom of Information
217 - 151 West Esplanade
North Vancouver, BC V7M 3H9

If sending by mail, please include your name, address and phone number. If you wish to communicate with us by email, please include your email address.


Submit a privacy complaint

Please include a detailed description of your privacy concern. One of our privacy advisors will be in touch with you.