
Denied benefit disputes

If you don't agree with ICBC's decision to deny an accident benefit, you have options for disputing it.

If you've been injured a crash, your Enhanced Accident Benefits provide access to all the medical and rehabilitation care you need and 90 per cent of your net income up to $113,000 in gross income if you are unable to work. Your ICBC support and recovery specialist will determine the reasonability and necessity for those benefits. If there is no medical evidence to support the need for a medical service or supply, the benefit may be denied. If you don't agree with the decision to deny a benefit, you have options.

Talk to your ICBC support and recovery specialist

It's important that both of you understand all of the factors taken into account and this is your opportunity to point out anything that might have been overlooked and ask questions about why the benefits were denied.

If you're still not satisfied, ask to speak with their manager. The manager will review the circumstances of the denied benefit and may be able to change the decision.

Claims Decision Review

The Claims Decision Review (CDR) is available to resolve disputes about Enhanced Accident Benefits that could not be resolved by your support and recovery specialist or their manager. 

File a dispute with the Civil Resolution Tribunal​

As of April 1, 2019, the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) is available to address disputes between customers and ICBC, including accident benefits entitlement disputes. If the CRT makes a ruling that changes a decision, we will adjust your assessment to match the ruling. Find out more about filing a dispute with the CRT.

Dispute your claim in court

You can file an accident benefit dispute for accidents prior to April 1, 2019, in small claims court or B.C. Supreme Court. Please note, cases in court could take several years to resolve and the court has the final say.