Autoplan Insurance

Payment plan calculator

Find out how much you can save by using our payment plan calculator. The higher the premium, the greater the savings.

Use our payment plan calculator to see your potential savings per year compared to carrying a credit card balance.


You could save $59 yearly
with the Autoplan payment plan

Compare yearly cost of borrowing

Credit card interest
Autoplan payment plan finance cost

Your monthly payment with ICBC


**The potential savings is based on the entered premium and the difference between the amount of interest paid (a) on a credit card with an interest rate of (the entered percentage) while carrying the sole balance of the premium plus interest charges, paid in twelve monthly installments, and (b) on the ICBC payment plan finance rate, which is set at RBC prime-rate less 1%, or 2.50% - whichever is greater, calculated using the straight line interest method over twelve months. No set-up, annual credit card or other similar fees were included in this calculation.

Sign up for our payment plan

Visit any Autoplan broker and bring:

  • your Autoplan documents and

  • void cheque or

  • pre-authorized debit form. You can get this from your bank.


The one time enrolment fee is $15. You won't need to pay again as long as you keep your plan and renew it within 12 months of your Autoplan policy. The finance rate is fixed from the day you sign up and your monthly or quarterly payment stays the same. You may also pay the full balance at any time.

Who can sign up

To be eligible for the payment plan, you must prove that you:

  • are the registered owner (or the named lessee) of the vehicle you're insuring and

  • have a Canadian chequing or savings account that allows pre-authorized automatic withdrawals.

If you're under 19, you'll need your parent or guardian to co-sign the payment plan.

More information

If you have any questions about our payment plan or how to sign up, please contact your Autoplan broker.

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