About ICBC

BCUC regulation of ICBC

The B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) was appointed in 2003 as the independent regulator for ICBC with the responsibility to approve rates for Basic insurance.

Basic Insurance Tariff

The Basic Insurance Tariff, effective June 1, 2007, was approved through Commission Order G-57-07. Amendments to the Basic Insurance Tariff were approved through subsequent Commission Orders.​​

ICBC's Basic Insurance Tariff pdf (8.8 MB)​

Note: This tariff information is provided for your convenience. If there are differences between this material and the official document approved by the BCUC, the official document shall prevail. The Basic Insurance Tariff, as posted above, may not be fully searchable.

Financial Allocation Methodology Application

On July 12, 2024, the BCUC issued Order G-189-24 pdf approving ICBC's January 31, 2024 application pdf for proposed changes to its Financial Allocation Methodology (FAM). These changes enhance the objectivity, transparency and efficiency of the FAM in light of the introduction of Enhanced Care and other business changes. ICBC uses the BCUC-approved FAM to allocate its revenues and costs among its Basic, Optional and Non-insurance business segments in a fair and equitable manner.

ICBC's Revenue Requirements Application

On May 9, 2024, an amendment was made to Special Direction IC2 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission, B.C. Reg. 307/2004 extending the current Policy Year by 12 months. The new deadline for ICBC to submit the next Revenue Requirements Application is by December 15, 2025. On May 23, 2024, BCUC issued Order G-147-24 pdf in support of this amendment.

On October 11, 2023, the BCUC approved ICBC's application for no overall change to Basic insurance for two years. For more details see the BCUC's Decision and Final Order.​

On December 15, 2022, ICBC filed the following application: ​ICBC's Revenue Requiremen​ts Application pdf​ (21​ MB). Listed below are ICBC's documents relating to this application:

​​​March 9, 2023

Responses to BCUC Information Requests pdf

​PDF - 9.1 MB

​ICBC's response to BCUC information requests No.1

​March 9, 2023

Responses to Intervener Information Requests pdf

​PDF - 4.2 MB

​ICBC's responses to Intervener information requests No.1

​​April 5, 2023

2023 RRA Workshop pdf

​PDF - 0.6 MB

​ICBC's RRA Workshop Presentation

​​May 16, 2023

Final Argument pdf

​PDF - 1.5 MB

​ICBC's Final Argument

​June 27, 2023

Reply Argument pdf       

​PDF - 0.5 MB

​ICBC's Reply Argument

Past submissions to BCUC​

​ICBC's past submissions to​ the BCUC are available on the Commission's website.

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